Selected academic talks:
"Internet of Bodies," West Point, August 2016
"Internet of Bodies," Privacy Law Scholars Conference, George Washington University, June 2016
“CYBER!,” West Point, May 2016
"CYBER!," Fordham Law School, May 2016
"CYBER!," University of Houston Law School, February 2016
“CYBER!,” Georgetown Law School, November 2015
"Information Security and Public-Private Divides," Suffolk Law School, April 2014
Information security roundtable participant, Berkman Center, Harvard Law School, April 2014
"Privacy, the Hacker Way," Northeastern Law School, March 2014
"Safety Secrets," Trade Secret Scholars conference, University of Florida, February 2014
"Information Security and the Internet of Things," AALS, January 2014
"Hacker-Children and the Role of Parents," AALS, January 2014
"U.S. Regulation of Information Security," Inaugural conference of Global Centre for Cybersecurity Capacity, University of Oxford, November 2013
"Information Security Regulation and Iteration," Notre Dame Law School, October 2013
"Information Security, Mobile Health and the Internet of Things," Mobile Health Exploratory Seminar, Harvard Law School, September 2013
"Information Security and Privacy Law: Past, Present and Future," NYU Poly, August 2013
"Talking Data," Cardozo Law School, Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, August 2013
"The Future of Information Security Regulation," eCommerce Best Practices, Stanford Law School, June 2013
"Twitter (R)evolution: Privacy, Free Speech and Disclosure," WWW2013, Rio, May 2013
"Hacking Speech," Free Expression Scholars, Yale Law School, April 2013
“Information Stewardship and Innovation,” European Commission, International Conference on Internet Science, Brussels, April 2013
“Bankrupting Privacy,” Internet Law Works in Progress, Santa Clara Law School, March 2013
“Social Media Privacy,” JTIP Symposium, Northwestern University Law School, March 2013
“Hacking and the Future of the CFAA,” Rutgers Law School, March 2013
“Code and Creativity,” Works in Progress in Intellectual Property, Seton Hall Law School, February 2013
“Bankrupting Privacy,” Cyberlaw Workshop, Villanova Law School, February 2013
"Code and Creativity," NYU Law School, January 2013
"Hacking Speech," Annenberg School, University of Pennsylvania, October 2012
“Privacy by Contract, the First Amendment, and the US Privacy Bill of Rights, EU Excellence in Internet and Network Science Summer School (Norway), University of Oslo, August 2012
“Code, Creativity and Identity,” EU Excellence in Internet and Network Science Summer School (UK), Oxford Internet Institute, August 2012
“Generation C: Children, Code and Creativity,” Intellectual Property Law Scholars Conference, Stanford Law School, August 2012
“Bankrupt Promises,” Privacy Law Scholars workshop, GW Law School, June 2012
“Mobile Technologies and Information Security,” Fordham Law School/Federal Judicial Center, March 2012
“Generation C: Children, Code and Creativity,” Wharton School, March 2012
“Hacking Privacy,” Notre Dame Law School, March 2012
"Virtual Childhood," Monash University, Faculty of Law, February 2012
"Data Anonymization and Data Protection in the U.S.," University of Auckland, February 2012
"Virtual Childhood," Notre Dame Law School, Symposium on Innovation in Education, November 2011
"Authorized Access," Notre Dame Law School, October 2011
"Computer Intrusion post 9/11," Symposium on Post 9/11 Legislative Change, Notre Dame Law School, October 2011
"Trends in US Consumer Protection and Internet Privacy," Society forComputers and Law, London, September 2011
"Privacy Defaults," OBA Policy Forum, University of Edinburgh, July 2011
"Virtual Childhood," Gikii, IT University, Gothenburg, June 2011
roundtable participant, Digital Policy Issues for the New Communications Bill, Oxford Internet Institute, June 2011
"Virtual Childhood," Privacy Law Scholars, University of California, Berkeley, May 2011
"Safe(r) Code and the Cyborg User," Microsoft Corporation, Hyderabad, March 2011
"(Techno)Essentializing Breach," Santa Clara Law School, March 2011
"(Techno)Essentializing Breach," Rutgers University School of Law, February 2011
"Contact and Privacy," University of Florida School of Law, February 2011
"Contract and Privacy," Boston University School of Law, February 2011
"(Techno)Essentializing Breach," Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, January 2011
"Contract and Privacy," Temple University School of Law, November 2010
“Authorized Access,” Gikii, University of Edinburgh School of Law, June 2010
“Corporate Cyborgs and Augmented Minds,” Computers, Freedom, Privacy, San Jose University, June 2010
“Contract and Privacy,” Privacy Law Scholars conference, George Washington School of Law/ UC Berkeley School of Law, June 2010
“Building Better Users,” Rough Consensus and Running Code conference, University of Pennsylvania Law School, May 2010
“Corporate Cyborgs and Consumer Information,” College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Preceptorial – at student invitation, University of Pennsylvania, May 2010
“Authorized Access,” Case Western Reserve University School of Law, May 2010
roundtable participant, Future of the Internet Project, Oxford Internet Institute/MIT, March 2010
“Information Capital,” Cyberlaw workshop, University of Puerto Rico/ University of Ottawa School of Law, January 2010
“Bourdieu and Data Privacy,” Legal Studies & Business Ethics Department, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, October 2009
“Third Party Beneficiaries and Information Security,” Gikii, University of Amsterdam School of Law, September 2009
“Bourdieu and Data Privacy,” IP Scholars conference, Cardozo Law School / UC Berkeley School of Law/ Stanford Law School, August 2009
“U.S. Information Security Regulation,” Singapore Management University School of Law, June 2009
“Bourdieu and Data Privacy,” SoGikii, University of New South Wales, June 2009
“Duties of Code Safety,” workshop on DRM, Federal Trade Commission, March 2009
INFORMATION SECURITY BEST PRACTICES, Conference organizer, University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, January 2009
Information Security Panel, Wharton Interactive Media Initiative conference, Panel organizer and moderator, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, January 2009
“Corporate Cyborg,” Internet Policy Lunch, University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg School, January 2009
“Corporate Cyborg,” Telecom Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Legal Studies and Business Ethics, Wharton School, December 2008
“Corporate Cyborg,” GIKII, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, September 2008
“Behavioral Advertising and Datamining,” Society for Computers and Law, London, September 2008
Panel moderator, Information Security panel, Supernova Conference, June 2008
”Symbolic Harms: Information Security and Duties to Warn,” Law and Society, Montreal, May 2008
Charismatic Content panel, Computers, Freedom, Privacy, Panel organizer and moderator, Yale University School of Law, May 2008
“The Future of Information Security Regulation”, keynote at conference on data security law, University of Virginia School of Law, February 2008
“The Future of Information Security Regulation,” American Association of Law Schools, January 2008